Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ok, so maybe I failed...

Maybe also might be an understatement.

When I started this month, I had no idea what a crazy month it was going to be. Obviously, I knew that the commitment of blogging every day was going to be a difficult one but I figured I could manage. I was wrong.

But you know what? That's ok. A little bit of failure never hurt anyone. That's something that I've learned a lot this year. When I was younger I was always so focused on being perfect. I needed to get the best grades and be the best at everything I attempted. But it wasn't until I relaxed a little when I started college that I realised, I don't need to be perfect. I can just be me.

Yes, I've made mistakes this year, but I've learned from them. Hell, I've probably made mistakes since I woke up. But the important thing is that I've realised, that's ok. Yes, I failed a module in college last year, but I passed by compensation and had the most amazing time in a musical making amazing friends. Now I'm just even more committed to getting better grades this year. Yes, I failed BEDA but the posts that I did make were always responded to by my friends and I loved them for it.

I'm not going to be afraid to try things, just because I might fail. Sometimes, failing is half the fun.

Until next time,

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Darren Criss and my future.

Before you jump to conclusions, I promise I'm not being a creepy fangirl who insists that Darren will marry me or something. I'm just watching a livestream of his concert in Chicago right now and he's very distracting when I'm trying to blog. That's why he makes it into the title.

Continuing on from earlier, it's weird. I feel at the moment that I'm at some kind of crossroads in my life. To say this summer has been lifechanging is an understatement. It doesn't seem like a big deal but I conquered so many fears this summer, from heights when I went on a high beams course with my college friends, to flying on my own across the atlantic and even surviving flying through a thunder/lightening storm on my way home (although this is definitely not something I would like to repeat. Ever.). When I hear about my friends all moving out and starting college, it reminds me of how scared I was about all of those things last year. Now, I haven't actually moved out but starting college was really scary for me. I was petrified. But so many things that have scared me, have turned out to become the most amazing opportunities. I guess I just feel that I don't have to be as scared anymore. I can do whatever I set my mind to, and that's an amazing feeling.

Now I don't know how many of you have been paying attention to the LeakyCon social networks in general but to me, it seems like they're hinting for something big. Whatever happens, I'm getting myself to America next year. It would just be even more amazing if I could do it with LeakyCon involved too. And I know I can move out next year and live in a different country. Yes, it's scary, but sometimes we all need to do things that scare us. They can turn out to be the best things we've ever done.

Until tomorrow,

I need to remember things...

Like BEDA. BEDA is important.

So today will be another two posts day. This one is catching you up on yesterday and tonight I'll catch you up on today!

So yesterday I went babysitting for four kids that I used to mind earlier in the summer. That was actually really nice. They're really adorable and I was happy to get to see them again!

After that I came home and Mum had decided that we were cleaning out our attic room. This proved to be much more traumatic than I would have thought. Then again, it reminded me of just how much stuff we have that we think is SO important but when it comes down to it, it's just taking up space. Don't tell Mum, but I'm pretty sure in the next few weeks I'm going to start clearing a whole bunch of junk from my room.I attempted this at the start of the summer but now, now I feel a NEED to do it. A lot of my American friends are all packing up and getting ready to leave for college and it's kind of inspiring me to figure out what I own that's important to me. I DEFINITELY have too much stuff. Definitely.

Yesterday evening, I went to the cinema with two of my friends. We went to see Super 8. Now, before this movie, I had seen nothing. I knew nothing. No trailer, no reviews, no summary. It was actually a really different experience, heading into a movie with absolutely no expectations. Now, the movie was good. LOTS of jumpy moments, I am not a fan of those. But I did enjoy the movie by the end. It was really well done and the main character was adorable and I really loved the plotline. Just maybe, less jumpy things. That's my only criticism.

And so I will leave you because I must go to work. I shall return later to update you on today (even though there is no guarantee for how interesting that day might be...).

ALSO, I really love reading the comments that Madeleine and Kelly are leaving. I'm guessing there's no way to directly reply to them? I am tempted to start a replying to comments section at the end of these posts... Thoughts?

Until later,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fandom Power.

So after my trip to America last month, I thought that the Harry Potter fandom was literally the most amazing thing I had ever experienced. Until my trip I had never been able to experience something with so much power.

Now nothing will ever come close to what LeakyCon meant to me, but tonight I was shown that there are other fandoms that I am a part of that can do just as amazing things. Many people look at the Glee fandom as a pretty cutthroat place. Ships wars, bashing each other, I knew Darren before he did Glee, the usual. But tonight, in the name of Darren Criss, Starkids and Gleeks put aside differences and became Darrenkids.

And we raised over $8,000.

The OT4 (Andie, Brad, Colfer and Murphy) stayed up for a 24 hour ustream during which an auction was held and dances were danced, slushies were made and thrown, an album was released, sleep deprivation became the norm, puppet shows were performed and we all discovered Brad's beautiful voice. Now I did not spend the entire 24 hours on the stream but I did spend quite a few there and I also donated two songs to the album and some money to the project. Those hours showed me that no matter what the fandom, people are good and people can band together in the name of good.

Even though it sounds silly, things like this gives me hope for what our generation can achieve. At LeakyCon we raised over $120,00 in the name of Harry Potter to benefit the HPA. Tonight we raised over $8,000 in the name of Darren Criss to benefit the Trevor Project. I am so proud to be part of fandoms like this. This is why I am proud to be a nerd.

Until tomorrow,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Part Two!

And so today's blogging continues just so that I can feel accomplished at the end of the month. It will be done.

So today was actually lovely. My two little cousins came up to visit today and I got to spend the day hanging out with them and I took them to my work (which is a children's museum). Apparently I'm a super cool cousin now. This makes me happy.

It's nice though. I don't get to spend nearly enough time with my cousins. Some of them live in different countries and some of them in different parts of Ireland but all of them live just that little bit further than I'd like. I'm not sure how it works in most families, but in mine the cousins are all very close. When I get days like today to just hang around with the kids and play and just be silly and have fun, those are the best days I could ask for.

There's a lot of things going on in the life of Shauna right now, many of them I can't share with the general interwebz, but it's days like today that remind me of the better things in life. If I can make my little cousins day by climbing through a climbing frame with her, then I will climb through a million of them. Being six for a few hours can really make you think.

Until tomorrow,


So seeing as I failed terribly yesterday I shall possibly write two blog posts today. I hope everyone is ok with this. Well, all three of you should be :P

So this blog will be a round up of yesterday methinks. Yesterday was really nice because Kathy had stayed over the night before and I love having her around. Even if I crush her arm in my sleep. Sorry about that... But yes, so breakfast with Kathy during which we had both cereal and cookies and then I walked Kathy to the Luas whilst we filmed a little bit of my neighbourhood for my first video as part of the follwthebutterflies collab channel!

The collab channel is something I'm really excited about. It really upsets me that I can't see my amazing LeakyGirls without an ocean getting in the way so this collab channel is the next best thing to getting to hang out with them on an almost daily basis. They're such a lovely bunch of girls and I really think that this project is going to be SUPER awesome even though we are all crazy busy what with college and all of us doing either BEDA or VEDA. All part of the fun, right?

Once I got home I went out shopping with my Mum and my youngest sister and we went to my favourite café for lunch which made me extra happy. Then home to film and then Skyping with Kathy and Emily. Emily is one of my best friends even though I've never actually met her. She lives over in NY and I am so glad to have met her through Tumblr. She had a headache so I attempted to sing her better. I'll let you know how that went...

All in all, yesterday reminded me of the power of the internet for good. Not only have I seen things like #OperationCupOfTea, I've made the most amazing friends and can keep in touch with these amazing friends, all because of some very useful wires. The internet can be a dangerous place, but it can also be an amazing one. For example, tonight Darren Criss fans are beginning a 24 hour livestream in order to raise money for charity in Darren's name. I am so proud to be a part of that and if anyone want to check it out i suggest going here:

Until later,

Monday, August 8, 2011

Kathy is amazing.

Sooo again, I'm definitely pushing the deadline on this one but TECHNICALLY I haven't gone to sleep yet and so, it is still today. Even if I'm 11 minutes late. I will not fail. It's still yesterday in at least half of the world. Deal with it.

So today, I was home from London for less than 24 hours and had to dash off to work. Did not want. But I went. And we did a Musical Theatre workshop based on Beauty and the Beast so it was a pretty awesome day. That and I got the job of cleaning the giant climbing frame. Like I saud, good day.

Then once my work day was over I walked to the Luas stop (The Luas is a tram for anyone who doesn't know) and met KATHY. Kathy is my favourite person in the whole world and she is currently lying on my bed reading Mockingjay as I type this. She will also read this later. Hi Kath.

Our evening was full of food and attempting to teach Kathy strumming patterns on the guitar. Unfortunately it turns out that I am a terrible guitar teacher. Oh well. We're getting there. I then introduced her to my fabulous new unicorn Rainbow and after a bit of Tumblring I remembered BEDA and here we are!

The only bad thing about today is gearing about the riots going on right now. After just coming home from the most amazing weekend in London where everyone we met was so nice and we spent the whole time talking about how pretty London is and what a great city it is, it's sad to see that a minority of violently minded people can cause such havoc in a city that so many people call home.

I'll keep hoping that tomorrow will be better.

In happier news, tomorrow is the day when I will make my debut in follwthebutterflies on YouTube. This is SUPER exciting to me because now that the channel is starting, I get to see my LeakyGirls every day! And that is yet another reason why today is awesome.

Until tomorrow,